Hello World!

Navigating the World of Software Development, Leadership, and Tech Tales

Hello World!

Ah, the classic "Hello World!" for the first blog post title. As a programmer (and not-so-great at naming things), I guess it's fitting. I mean, just look at the blog's name: Eric's blog. Not exactly groundbreaking, but hey, let's roll with it. Like variables, right? Always subject to change, though they rarely do. The same goes for this blog's name – probably here to stay.

I've been programming since I was 15 (using JavaScript since 2001), but I only managed to get my first job as a software developer in 2009. I had to work in a different field to pay for college, but I often built websites as a freelancer. Since 2009, I've used several programming languages and frameworks, but my main ones are .NET (C#) and JavaScript (Vanilla, jQuery, Angular, and React). Of course, I learned some others during this period, but these are the main ones.

"Why start another blog when there's a sea of them out there?" you might wonder. Well, this isn't my first rodeo. I was blogging in 2012 – it feels like a lifetime ago – just sharing what I was learning. Still learning, still keen to share. Sometimes, my brain feels like a ticking time bomb, so I dump my thoughts here. It beats talking to myself, I suppose.

Here's what I plan to share on this blog:

  • A peek into a programmer's daily struggles and how to overcome them

  • A glimpse into the life of a leader and the daily challenges they face

  • My journey with learning new programming languages, frameworks, etc.

  • Deep dives into tech topics like data structures, algorithms, cloud computing, Linux, and more

So, join me on this journey. If my musings can quiet the imposter syndrome and help someone out there, then it's a win-win, that's a bonus.

Here's the "original" cover of this post created by IMGGEN.AI (on the cover, it was cropped using OIE):

The original cover of this blog post showing some computers, a screen showing "hello world", a keyboard, a cup of coffee, etc.