HTML & CSS from scratch

HTML & CSS from scratch

Documenting my path to Web Development mastery through Udemy courses and continuous challenges

In my initial post, I discussed the gaps in my knowledge. Observing individuals learning new concepts from scratch, despite possessing substantial prior knowledge, prompted me to ponder: why can't I do the same? Courses like CS50 often see participation from experienced individuals. Therefore, let's imagine I'm starting from scratch with HTML and CSS, even though I'm not.

The Plan

Firstly, I consulted ChatGPT to identify topics to study following the Pareto principle. You can click here to see ChatGPT's response, which provided me with direction for my next steps.

Udemy Courses

My initial approach involves warming up by tackling exercises in the course HTML e CSS: O Início (incluindo 5 Projetos) (HTML and CSS: The beginning (including 5 Projects)). This foundational course humbly sets the stage for progress. As I aim to share my journey, I'll post the results of these exercises on a GitHub repository.

Next, I'll delve into HTML5 e CSS3: Técnicas Avançadas (Com Flexbox e 5 Projetos) (HTML5 and CSS3: Advanced Techniques (with Flexbox and 5 Projects)), which acts as a continuation of the first course. Despite its advanced title, it provides fundamental insights worth exploring. You can follow my progress on this journey through the corresponding GitHub repository.

While another course, Curso Web Moderno Completo com JavaScript + Projetos (Complete Modern Web Course with JavaScript + Projects)), offers comprehensive learning, I'll primarily focus on the CSS section. Although it may seem redundant after the first two courses, it introduces additional challenges. I'll share the corresponding code on the GitHub repository.

Furthermore, there are additional topics to cover, such as Tailwind, Bootstrap, CSS variables, and more, as suggested by ChatGPT.

Continuous Learning

Practice is key to mastery. I intend to continue seeking challenges from ChatGPT to enhance my skills and work on projects listed in this YouTube playlist:

Similar to the approach with courses, I'll utilize a GitHub repository to store the code I develop to address the challenges presented in this playlist.

Wrap Up

To summarize, the plan entails:

  • Engaging with Udemy courses while documenting progress on corresponding GitHub repositories.

  • Seeking additional challenges from ChatGPT to broaden my learning.

  • Continuing to learn and tackle CSS challenges from the YouTube playlist.

Wish me luck on this journey!